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What are the cancer mortality rates in Cincinnati?
What is the role of the Patient Navigator in the CJN?
​Where does CJN funding come from?

The goal of the Cancer Justice Network (CJN) is to help low income individuals and minorities get early and timely screening and treatment for cancer in Cincinnati. Achieving this goal will reduce the mortality rate of these populations in Cincinnati. Our efforts are based on the program of Harold Freeman, MD, surgeon, and head of the Ralph Lauren Patient Navigator Program in New York City. Our program will utilize "navigators," trained representatives who volunteer to help low income and minorities overcome the barriers to cancer care. In five years, Dr. Freeman drastically reduced the numbers of people coming for late screenings and his program helped save many lives due to timely screening and treatment.

Overcoming transportation barriers is one of the top priorities of the CJN. Transportation costs are high and beyond reasonable for low income individuals and minorities to pay for regular screening and treatment. The CJN is developing a process of transportation options that can be used by patients.

The Cancer Justice Network of the Peace Village is not a medical-treatment organization and does not offer medical advice on any illness or medical condition.  At no time will the staff and the Navigators of the Cancer Justice Network of the Peace Village offer any medical information, medical advice, or comment on medical treatment.  

The staff and Navigators of the Cancer Justice Network are trained and supervised to provide support for people seeking non-medical assistance. Given upon a person's request, such non-medical service includes transportation to and from health settings and support for understanding the non-medical steps to seeking health care. 

All questions about a person’s medical situation, treatment, and/or the future success of any medical treatment should be directed to appropriate medical-treatment personnel and not to any staff member or Navigator of the Cancer Justice Network of the Peace Village.


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